Nov 18:
Covering CARES & COVID-19
The pandemic has led to economic fallout and subsequent retirement plan relief by Congress and various governmental agencies. It has been tough to keep up with the volume of changes. How do all of these measures change the landscape of how retirement plans are created, administered and potentially frozen or terminated.
Nov 19:
Summarizing SECURE
Even before the COVID outbreak, the SECURE Act set in motion significant changes to the design and administration of retirement plans. Passed in December, 2019, some provisions are already in place, but have been [sidetracked] by the pandemic. Other changes, such as pooled employer plans (PEPs) are coming online in 2021. Find out what we know and what we still need guidance on.
Nov 20:
Current Developments
The IRS, DOL, PBGC and courts continue to issue guidance on all things retirement. From electronic disclosure to remote notarization to reportable events disclosure. Learn more about this guidance which ensures the stability and impact of the private retirement plan system.