
Day One (November 20th) - 5 credit hrs

Outrigger Reef - Live in-person
12:30PM Hawaii Time

12:30 - 1:00PM: Registration


1:00PM - Current Developments

Guidance continues to be released for SECURE 2.0 changes, but more is needed! We'll discuss what we have and what we want (or how to live without it). We will also review agency guidance, including pre-exam notices, forfeitures, new fiduciary rule along with interesting court decisions.

Key attendee takeaways:

  • Interpreting SECURE 2.0 guidance, such as LTPT employees, in-service distributions, student loan matching and overpayments

  • Explaining recent IRS and DOL releases, such as RMDs, electronic filing, fiduciary rule's litigation and missing participant database

  • Tracking case law regarding agency deference, investment options, service provider monitoring and arbitration

2:40 - 2:50PM: Break

2:50PM: Current Developments (cont.)

4:10 - 4:20PM: Break

4:20PM: Current Developments (cont.)

5:30 - 7:30PM: Cocktail Reception

Day Two (November 21st) - 5 credit hrs

Outrigger Reef - Live in-person
8:30AM Hawaii Time


8:00 - 8:30AM: Breakfast

8:30AM - What’s Ethics Got to Do With It

What's Ethics Got To Do With It: Ugh! Another ethics presentation to fulfill my required continuing education. That’s what you’re thinking. But it doesn't have to be dull. Let's apply ASPPA, NIPA and Circular 230 ethical standards to real life situations in retirement plan administration? How would you respond? How would the person next to you respond? This live presentation goes through case studies and how ethical dilemmas pop up in all types of retirement plan administration matters.

Key attendee takeaways:

  • Understanding how different sections of the ASPPA Code of Professional Conduct, the NIPA Code of Ethics and IRS Circular 230 apply to different circumstances

  • Assessing different variables which may affect your decision-making

  • Debating actions or communications to prevent ethical situations from occurring

10:10 - 10:20AM: Break

10:20AM - Communicating in Today’s World - More Than Just Speaking (with special guest - Kellen Craig with John Hancock Retirement

We communicate in many different ways – in-person, phone, e-mail, text, Zoom, presentation. Let's discuss what to keep in mind when we’re communicating – the language and words we use, our audience, our relationship, and our goals. The goal is to be better at communication and better at business and better at life.

11:10 - 11:20AM: Break

11:20AM - Let's Get It Started! Automatic Enrollment Provisions

Let's Get It Started! Automatic Enrollment Provisions: It has had different labels, but automatic enrollment has been around since the 80’s. Now it is mandatory for new plans. Whether for a new or existing plan, auto enroll provisions can help both employees and employers. This session will provide a summary of the different automatic enrollment options, including the new mandatory provisions, and what benefits and restrictions underlie each.

Key attendee takeaways:

  • Evaluating the current EACA and QACA benefits and limitations

  • Understanding how mandatory auto enroll requirements differ from existing options

  • Determining compliance with the participant notice requirements and timing

Optional Group Activity: Afternoon Snorkel Sail or Sunset Sail

Day Three (November 22nd) - 5 Credit Hrs

Outrigger Reef - Live in-person
8:30AM Hawaii Time


8:00 - 8:30AM: Breakfast

8:30AM - A for all (or how to get a good grade on (a)(4) testing

Section 401(a)(4) non-discrimination testing is almost always handled by computer software. But what's going on in that blink of an eye? Understanding the mechanics of (a)(4) testing can not only help you troubleshoot potential issues or failures, but it can also make you better at designing plans. This session will cover the basics and some advanced features so you can recognize, react or be proactive when needed.

Key attendee takeaways:

  • Recognizing the difference between design-based safe harbors and the general test

  • Completing the steps of a general test

  • Identifying the benefits and restrictions of a cross-tested general test

10:10 - 10:20AM: Break

10:20AM - Top Heavy Status, An Adult Discussion

I don’t recommend entering “top heavy status” into a search engine. Your results may not be safe for work. But working with retirement plans means you need to understand the top heavy test and what happens if a plan is top heavy. This session goes through the mechanics of the test and the results of top heavy status.

Key attendee takeaways:

  • Identifying key employees and how they differ highly compensated employees

  • Determining if a plan is top heavy

  • Effects of top heavy plan status and how to design around the effects

11:10 - 11:20AM: Break

11:20AM - Plan Takeovers

Business is good and more plans seems to be moving over from other TPAs. Or maybe you bought a TPAs book of business. Either way, you should be reviewing both the plan document and operations to see what you are getting and notify the client of any issues. You don't want someone else's error to be pinned on you. We'll discuss how to spot potential issues, how to resolve and discuss timing of takeovers.

Key attendee takeaways:

  • Reviewing various plan document provisions to determine future operational needs or changes

  • Identifying which benefits and features are protected and how to comply with rules for protection

  • Coordinating the prior to the current and future discrimination testing and Form 5500 preparat

12:10 - 12:20AM: Break

12:20PM - ERISA at 50

Time flies when you are having fun. But how did we get here? We will explore some of the fun facts and interesting insights in the act that revolutionized our industry.

Key attendee takeaways:

  • Discovering the origins and issues for creating ERISA legislation

  • Investigating the context and framework of 1974 to allow the passage of ERISA

  • Tracking the different significant acts that following ERISA and how they affected our industry

1:10PM: Conference Adjourns